शुक्रवार, 14 मार्च 2025
  1. मनोरंजन
  2. हास्यकट्टा
  3. व्हॉट्सअप मॅसेजेस
Written By
Last Modified: गुरूवार, 21 जून 2018 (12:46 IST)

या इंग्रजी पत्राला तोडच नाही​

Dear Sir,​
​I am बंड्याची mummy.​
कारण for writing letter is that on this year, there is लय तंगी this year
Rain water not नीट.
So सोयाबिन not पिकलं well. Also मजुरीबी not available on daily.
*बंड्याचे पप्पा*have bad व्यसन. Not daily but ते पितात कधी कधी.
We are not बेईमान,
We will not बुडवणार your money, so please keep भरोसा on us.
Our पोरगा बंड्या is very हुशार, so give him उत्तम education and make him very big.  
How to English बोलाचं please शिकवा him
and also dont give him पैशाचं tension. I will फेडील your पै न पै.
​Sir, I am बारावी fail​
Not पटाईत in English भाषा. काइ mistake असेल तर sorry.
Your faithfully​
​बंड्याची mummy​